All services / Solutions vie facile


Let us take the hassle out of your ironing to save you time and effort
  • You have neither time nor energy to wash / iron your laundry ? 5àsec saves you time ! Entrust them to us for a flawless result.

This new service offered by 5àsec is ideal for t-shirts, sweats, clothing, ... adults and children, summer and winter !

Yet another way to save time and take care of yourself !

How to do ?

  1. Deposit your laundry (except shirts, blouses, bed linen, table linen) at your 5àsec store.
  2. Our experts give you the weight of your basket
  3. We confirm you a delay of delivery (about 3 to 4 days *)
  4. You come pick up your linen
  5. Store in yourdressing room (that, we don't do it yet!)


* The delay may vary depending on the number of pieces.